"There's only one hard and fast rule in running: sometimes you have to run one hard and fast."

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Winter Training Plan

My training is only slightly different in the winter, but here's what it's supposed to look like:

M 4 miles of repeats of Indian Mounds hill (0.25 miles long, 89 feet climb)
T  7 miles, with 4x 0.5 mile @ 10K pace - 0.25 mile recoveries
W AM 2 miles with 5x100m @ 1 mile pace - 300m
     PM 2 miles
Th 7 miles, last 4.5 miles @ marathon pace
F  AM 2 miles
     PM 2 miles
Sa 7 miles, with miles 2&3 @ 1/2 marathon pace
S 11 miles

I use that one hill because the path is cleared quickly and it's close to home.
The Tuesday repeats change once the snow is gone and I can run on a track.

In a few days, I'll post my actual January training in detail, so you can see how I'm doing compared to the plan.

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