My training is only slightly different in the winter, but here's what it's supposed to look like:
M 4 miles of repeats of Indian Mounds hill (0.25 miles long, 89 feet climb)
T 7 miles, with 4x 0.5 mile @ 10K pace - 0.25 mile recoveries
W AM 2 miles with 5x100m @ 1 mile pace - 300m
PM 2 miles
Th 7 miles, last 4.5 miles @ marathon pace
F AM 2 miles
PM 2 miles
Sa 7 miles, with miles 2&3 @ 1/2 marathon pace
S 11 miles
I use that one hill because the path is cleared quickly and it's close to home.
The Tuesday repeats change once the snow is gone and I can run on a track.
In a few days, I'll post my actual January training in detail, so you can see how I'm doing compared to the plan.
Snow and update
2 days ago
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