My bedroom is warm and dry and the air is filled with the sounds of songbirds and the scent of blooming lilacs, yet I chose to wake at 1:30 AM and drive north for hours, to run for more hours in mud during a snowstorm. It's these "bad" decisions that define our characters, that make us individuals, rather than one more person who slept. I was out the door and behind the wheel in 10 minutes, too soon to change my mind or my clothes.
I turned on the radio to be greeted with "Road Runner" by the Modern Lovers, my all-time favorite song for running, though it's about driving at night with the radio cranked. So, I cranked the radio. I pounded the first Red Bull of the drive and roared into the night. Three hours and three more Red Bulls later, I was careering through small towns on the North Shore, jittery and anxious to the point of paranoia of getting caught speeding. I arrived two hours early.
Oh, and I saw a wolf. The trip already had its reward.
I made the rounds of greeting friends, well-wishers, admirers of this blog and a few men who actually came to race, then it was time to begin. My plan was to start much more slowly than last year and hope the accumulation of 250 miles of races in the past six weeks wouldn't force me to walk before the last few climbs. The race has two four hundred foot climbs right at the start, Mystery and Moose Mountains, so pacing, even by heart rate, is entirely subjective. I found myself running with a couple (with interesting accents I couldn't place); she was running her first ultra and, though punishing her quads by braking too much on the downhills, would go on to take second place through attrition; one of the first women disappeared and must've quit and another got lost.
Keith Krone, in his VFFs (minimalist footwear with separated toes), passed me, leaving footprints that looked like a giant deformed raccoon was on the trail. He said he knew he'd gone out too fast since he was up with me - actually, I was back with him - and he skimmed over the roots and rocks as if it were second nature, reminiscent of some of the best in the sport.
Zach Pierce and I ran together for a while, he in shorts (too little clothing for the windy mountain tops) and me in plastic windpants (too much for the rest of the course). He joked, "So this is what it takes for me to catch you," mentioning the five ultras in six weeks. I couldn't help adding that I also drove up and was wearing a complete track suit. Then I reminded him that he'd beaten me at the Zumbro 100. "Well," he said, "We all just checked the box on that one." There may be a lot of reports of this race where people mention beating me and then mention that I wasn't at the top of my game. It reminds me that I still tell people that I beat Barney Klecker in a race, though it was the week after he set the world record for 50 miles and I beat Dick Beardsley in a race when he arrived too late to take off his sweatpants. It still counts.
There was still patchy snow at the base of LeVeaux Mountain, but no snowman this year. Although spring is in full stride in the Twin Cities, the trees hadn't leafed out here, so the wind roared over the bluffs. And then the first snowflakes fell; later there'd be horizontal snow pellets - nothing stuck - making the already soggy course a quagmire in the low spots. Early in the day, some of the numerous boardwalks were slippery; one comes to recognize different types of these: beside corduroy, there are old ones that shift on their supports, long ones that bend at the joins and thick hewn logs which roll. That makes three axes of rotation with which to contend.
Kevin Martin joined me for a while and i was surprised to find out he's not the expert at this that I expected; this was his first time on the Superior Hiking Trail. He seemed to catch his size 14 shoes on every rock and didn't even try to squeeze under the fallen trees, saying, "I'm not built for this sport." I have to mention that, had volunteers not spent hundreds of man-hours clearing ice storm-damaged trees, the course would've been impassible.
It was then that Chris Lundstrom passed us on his way back. Chris is simply the best runner I've ever met. Not only is he phenomenally talented, he has a deep understanding of the sport of running. He's the only person I can think of that I'd accept as a coach. He made 2nd place finisher Andy Holak, who was having a great day, look slow.
Between LeVeaux Mountain and Britton Peak are two peaks I always forget, as they are to me unnamed. This is the region that people are always saying is runnable and, I guess, by comparison to much of the trail, it is. I did note the variety of wildflowers, so my attention wasn't glued to the trail and that must be the difference.
I was being passed regularly between Britton and the turn-around on Carlton Peak. I tried to convince myself that I was saving something for that next climb. It's a long way to the top and the trail gets ever more steep, narrow and technical. The trail turns enough here that Lake Superior seems to be on the wrong side. Chuck Hubbard was stationed at the turn-around; his long-standing course record would last less than an hour as I got there in 3:05.
On the way down the peak, I saw Julie Berg, who I hadn't seen at the start. I'd told her a week ago that she'd beat me by an hour. When she passed me 5 hours into the race, she pointed out that she wouldn't beat me by an hour. It was to be about half an hour. I had to ask her about her blog; when I started ultras two years ago, everyone knew who she was and now everyone knows me and she'd prefer more anonymity. She has 87 followers to my 7. Not that I'm competing, mind you.
I had a nice chat with Carl gammon as he passed me; I can't wait to see what he says about that. Maria Barton and I stopped for Pepsi at the same time at the last aid station. She only wanted 1/3 of a cup. I asked for more, saying, "I'm bigger." That's what passed for humor at that point.
People kept telling me I looked good. I told one guy, "Thanks for lying," and he responded, "You might feel like crap, but you really do look good." At five hours - about when Julie and Carl passed me - my right Achilles tendon started to hurt like it was getting hit by a cattle prod. Forty minutes later, the left one joined it. At 6 1/2 hours, my left hamstring cramped. I also had a pain in the bottom of my right heel. You don't go through ordeals unscathed, you just learn what's tolerable and what's serious and this was kid's stuff.
Pierre Ostor passed me going up the last rise, Mystery Mountain. We talked about Kettle Moraine, as both of us are doing it in three weeks. I was worried about the 30 hour cut-off and he said it's the only race he's never finished. "Just don't go out too fast." Oh, like that could ever happen! [For the sarcasm-impaired, I was in the lead in the Zumbro 100, only to finish dead last.]
As I got onto the asphalt at the very end, I checked my watch. 6:57. If I kicked it, I could break 7 hours... but who would care? I looked back, and true to Satchel Page, someone was gaining on me, so I picked up the pace considerably. Finished in 7:01, one hour slower than in 2008.
I have climbed highest mountains
I have run through the fields
I have run. I have crawled.
Well, yes, I'm still running.
-U2, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
Spring trip
4 days ago
Great report, Steve. Sounds like it was a good run, even if slower than last year. Nice work.
You've done much more so far this year than I could even imagine in that amount of time. Now, be sure you get enough rest and recovery for Kettle.
(I know you secretly wanted to do FANS again, but knew I was going to be out there chasing you down.)
Steve, congratulations on finishing such a difficult race on such a challenging and difficult course. Great report. I was on the North Shore visiting family this weekend and saw the horizontal snow pellets you described. Crazy weather!
Rest and recover well. And nice job on the wolf sighting. That is very cool!
Great run Steve, even if it didn't live up to your typical standards.
So, you were an hour slower this year. You also ran in more difficult conditions and under different circumstances... ie self imposed race schedule ;)
Good luck at Kettle!
Did I see Steve quoting something mainstream and ubiquitous? (U2). Wow.... next you will be drinking coffee at Starbucks.
I love Pierre's comment. That's the one thing I have in common with him "My only 100 I did not finish"
I noticed in the pictures that you did not have your signature orange hat. Did you lose it?
I won't ask how you came to your predicted time for Kettle. I won't have a beer challenge there.
T-2.5 weeks
Yeah Matt, I went mainstream (and I think U2's the most overrated band in history), but Road Runner's "Going 1000 miles an hour" just didn't ring true.
The "orange" hat (faded red and blue, actually) tends to fall over my eyes when it gets wet and I didn't want the nuisance. It'll make a 26th year appearance in the fall!
Shorts may have been too little for you but just right for me :)
It was fun running with you as always, see you at the next one!
U2's the most overrated band in history ...
I assume you have heard of the Rolling Stones? Were they excluded from this "Most Overrated Band In History" Contest for some reason?
Great job and great report.
Would you take it the wrong way if I said you Ultra foax are nuts?
The way I mean it is: Clinically insane.
That's a compliment though - right?
The reason you don't have more followers is because a lot of your commenters are guys and you are a guy. We girls like to follow. I'll be your follower. Great race report- gives me a great mental image of what trail running must be like.
Okay.... now you have crossed the line.
Overrated band? Yeah, I guess when you can still play your instruments and write good music after 30 years, that can annoy some people.
Glavin is right on. The Stones have not been anything to listen to or watch since Tattoo You. And I was young back then.
Just for that shot, I am going to make sure you get some "Larry's special electrolyte mix" in your bottles at Kettle.
......And.... the car ride down is going to be "all U2 all of the time". (I have enough to get us there).
and one more thing. "It's not a hill, it's a mountain, when you start out the climb" (I know you what song that is from as you secretly bought their newest album)
are they still called albums?
Beth, I'm guessing that if I ran photos, I'd have more followers and, if like Julie, I ran photos of women with lower back tattoos, I'd have a lot more. Most of hers are from baking groups anyway.
The Stones don't get "most over-rated" because of their early work. They ARE an embarassment now. At least they don't count 1,2,3...14 in Italian or give themselves laugh-out-loud nicknames or pretend they're saving the world. As for U2, I enjoyed "the Joshua Tree" the first 40 times I heard it; then the next day I was already sick of it. They've coasted ever since.
BTW, the funniest thing I've ever heard was John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) on his radio show "Have a Rotten Day" singing along with U2's "New Year's Day." I had to pull the car over I laughed so hard. He really showed just how awful they are.
5 ultras - 6 weeks.
You did it!!!!
No mention of any falls - other than trees and when the orange hat will reappear.
Now you've got all this extra time to rest up for Kettle.
Good luck!
Good work Steve. I'm going to have to pull out all creative stops to come up with the potential awards for this uncanny Bandit you three are going towards.
recover well,
Unos, Dos, Tres, Catorce is Spanish, not Italian.
Stones are still more over rated because nobody has bought any of their albums since Tattoo You.
U2 actually sells albums.
Whenever I hear Jumping Jack Flash, I have to change that station. It was good the first 1,000,000 times I heard it, but it is worn out.
The only more painful songs are the ones which always top the stupid "best ever lists"
* Stairway to heaven
* Hey Jude
* Freebird
Yeah, Matt, it was brain freeze - I know catorce from quattordici (though I speak neither language). You're proving my point though - people are buying U2 releases... and they shouldn't. The Stones are has-beens. U2 are never-weres.
Thanks for posting this race report. I'm coming back from a trail running injury and have the Superior 25K as my goal race. Someday I'd love to do an ultra; right now I'm just happy to be running again.
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