Thanks for reading this blog. I hope to return some time in the future, probably with a different format ("Ask the Coach" intrigues me), but I have to take some time off for personal reasons. I've been posting a lot recently, so take some time perusing old posts, if you like.
Maybe I'll see you at the races.
Snow Sculptures
3 days ago
Hope things go well. I am trying to learn how to train how my body and life are willing to allow, instead of how my head (planning)wants to train.
I can no longer cash the checks that my training plan tries to write. But I do not want to become a complete hobby jogger either.
Michael Henze
Thanks for your interesting blog, I've been tuning in for a year and a half. I like reading this blog, especially how you wish running would return to how it was in the 80s. I hope you find what you are looking for.
Joe G.
Maybe this is the worst possible time to ask this question, but do you think that the human body can only train for running for about 15-20 years before self destructing? I ask this because after 19 years, my knees are shot. And whenever you see an old runner, it is always a person who started late in life. I can't think of many runners who were competitive 30 years ago and still run, let alone do it well.
Joe G.
Joe G., most people have 4 years of rapid improvement, then maybe 10 years at peak, then a decline that is sometimes gradual and sometimes sharp. Most of the top masters did start late or took 20 years off. I can name 100 competitive runners over 50 who've run for 30 years, though - they also look 35 years old (it's all genetic).
Just read your Superior 100 race report. I think you run even stupider than I do, and I mean that as a compliment.
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