I've never had an untitled post. It was time.
Yesterday, I climbed to the summits of Stony Tower Hill and Lundeen Mountain, then went to the finish of the Voyageur 50 Mile. One person I talked to, after asking if I'd done what I said I was going to attempt and hearing that I had, said, "Don't tell me about it. I can just read about it on your blog."
It's a long story and I'm not going to tell it, or publish the photos (bad photos, as there were thousands of deer flies to swat while trying to take them). The short version, however, is: it was incredibly hard, dangerous and stupid... and that was before the thunderstorm or the bear. It took 4 hours to cover one mile.
I might be the first person to climb Lundeen. I'm certainly the only one in the past 50 years.
I wouldn't do it again!
General Burkhalter
1 week ago
Glad to hear you got out - and the best stories are due to adventure. Bears, deer flies and thunderstorms... sounds like a typical day in the Northwoods ;->
Cool. Some stories are just better told over the course of years.(sensing Glaven rolling his eyes at my comment. Wazzup, Glaven? :))
I've had friends tell me the deer flies up north this year are the worst they ever remember. Based on your short version, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult that was. In any case, congratulation on getting up there and making it back!
Its perfect for a Minnesota version of the Barkley!
Where the heck is Lundeen Mt.? I couldn't find it online with a cursory search, which means bushwhacking to the summit must be even tougher.
Mike, the Forest Rangers had never heard of it, nor could find it on a map even when I told them where it was!
Sounds... interesting? I recently had an adventurous bushwhacking experience at Voyageur's National Park. The deer flies were bad but no bears.
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