The first week of training's almost done (and only mild soreness - no real injury yet!), so I decided to look at the next one. In 2007, I ran 89 miles that week. In 2009, four of the days never got above zero Fahrenheit.
Ugh. (I go all 1960's Hollywood native-American)
When do I get to run on trails again? According to previous years, March 12 to 27. That's a long way off!
Uhhh. (I go all neanderthal)
Looking at some of my training runs in January 2007, I can translate them into approximate finish times for the Superior 100. Three runs, 35, 38 and 40 miles, give me finish times of 25.5, 25.6 and 25.55 hours. That's really precise - if questionably accurate. So, what if I'm overestimating? Looking at recent runs, for this year I come up with finishing times of 40-41 hours (in other words, not finishing) at Superior. If I was overestimating, I'm really in bad shape!
Bleh. (I go all Steve-in-wintertime)
General Burkhalter
1 week ago
steveq go all atavistic? [Even cavemen didn't have a shorter word for "atavistic". Fact.]
maybe steveq discover light-that-burn soon? light-that-burn warm steve when day grow short and sun go bye-bye.
also: what fucktard throw with mitt? ogg use other hand ... one w/o mitt.
Just catching up - LOVE your post from the 2nd and hope that dome running is reinstated soon so we can catch up and my loads of laundry can be cut in half!
My vote is for Neanderthal SQ.
Gerry Rafferty, man.
Two days ago.
Liver failure.
I love "Stuck in the middle with you".
Hmmm - you almost sound disappointed that there are no injuries yet! ;->
All I know is that's CRAZY far!
And YES! I'm totally game for a friendly throw-down for the Winter Carnival Half! I LOVE little bits of competition like that!
Happy New Year!
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