A shudder ran down my spine as it occurred to me that I might someday have watched more marathons than I've run. Watched the TCM today, much of it with Mark Hanson, who'll probably have a better report of the day on his blog. Saw lots of familiar faces; among the blogosphere, I missed Lundo, but if you were wondering "Where's Chris Scotch?" the answer's: under the handmade 3:45 pace sign and next to Helen. Nichole looked to be just behind the pace she was hoping to run (she was aiming for 2:50!) Erika was working the medical tent. Steve Stenzel and his yellow shorts looked like the one hour 10 mile goal was in reach. Shannon looked strong at the half-way point of the 10 Mile.
They'll keep you updated. I think maybe I should go for a run. I have a marathon in a couple of weeks that I paid for (so what if I'm hurt and sick, right?)
2 days ago
A shudder ran down my spine as it occurred to me that I might someday have watched more marathons than I've run.
There's an easy remedy for this: Stop watching them.
This is easy in two senses: One: All you have to do is stop. Simple by definition. Two: All you're being asked to stop doing is watching running, which, let's be brutally honest, is one of THE most boring spectator sports there is.
My point in "Two" being that you're not being asked to do something that might take some effort and discipline to achieve, like stop f*cking your oven; you're just being asked to stop doing something that it's puzzling you'd want to be doing in the first place. Especially watching a marathon. *Yawn*. I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it.
Hmmm ... Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm the only one in the blogosphere who feels this way about watching running ...
Mankato is on? See you there.
G: Watching runners is without a doubt one of the least interesting things one can do, but it's how I keep up with a lot of people. For example, I found out Joyce Bourassa's pregnant (about 4-5 months, I'd guess) - hadn't talked to her in almost 2 years. I also learn details about how people's training affect their races by seeing them on the course at a crucial point - something one can't learn just by looking at the results, or even by asking them.
Thanks for being out there Steve!! I think I missed you, but I missed a LOT of people after about mile 4.5 - I was hurting. And yep, I did it with nearly a minute to spare.
It is hard.. and especially when you're injured because all you want to do is be out there running yourself! But from the many experiences being on the other side of the fence (literally :) ) it means a lot to have cheering fans, so thanks to you for being out there!
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