The back is better. Ten days off is all it needed. The recent rainstorms have cleared the air a bit and I'm breathing better, so the second issue may be gone soon as well. That leaves the heel/achilles problems; turns out I do NOT have a stress fracture (sort of a referred pain thing that confused me) - yay, me! - and the pain is only apparent now when pressing the tendon between thumb and forefinger and then moving the fingers up or down.
I could run. I want to run. I really, really want to run, but I'm going to hold off until I know I'm 100%.
There's the In Yan Teopa 10 Mile this weekend and I'm tempted to go down and say hi to everyone and maybe take pictures (hah!), but I know I couldn't resist the temptation to run if I did. If you've never done it, it's a fun race and I use the coffee mugs I've received from the race daily (my Voyageur 50 Mile ones hold pencils and pens).
Last night, there was a storm and I tried to ignore it, as I haven't had a good night's sleep in a week. No sirens, so as bad as it sounded, I figured it wasn't much. Today I get to find out how good my insurance is: my car has some hail damage and my neighbor's walnut tree broke a fence (the blasted ash trees that'll be killed by ash borers are, of course, fine). Power lines are being repaired here, but two blocks in any direction and you can't tell there was a storm.
Just one more piece of evidence that Nature hates me.
I've had time to think about next year. I'm going to do the Superior Sawtooth 100. I'm going to train properly for it, get a crew, learn to get the food and fluids problems worked out.
I don't want to just drag myself through the finish like my last two 100's. I want to nail this sucker.
3 days ago
Inspiring! Good plan to let the injuries heal before heading into your winter training. I predict for you a return to form, fast races in the spring/summer, and a high placing at Superior 100.
Watch out for Steve Quick in 2011.
Oh you'll nail that sucker all right. Look forward to following your training for that bad boy.
I'm excited for you!
I'm also excited to hear what G has to say about the "nail that sucker" part of your post.
I am hoping to be able to get up there for the marathon next year. Hopefully we'll see you there!
I'm a bit frightened because - unless I'm misreading that "I'm excited for you!" (and I don't think I am) - Dr. Nic's confessing to having a boner for you, Steve. And so whether or not you're 100%, you better start running anyway!1! Because the alternative ain't pretty.
Assuming it can be seen without magnification.
Hahahahahaha! KERTWANG!!! at Dr. Nic's expense! Soooooooo rewarding, since he was expecting one at SQ's expense!
Nature hates me.
Don't sell yourself short. Artifice also hates you.
That's just a bone* for Dr. Nic.
*N.B.: Not a boner.
I could run. I want to run. I really, really want to run, but I'm going to hold off until I know I'm 100%.
OMG. My little boy is growing up! *sniff*
I know, I know... says the woman that ran with barely healed blisters.
Isolated incident.
I'm going to do the Superior Sawtooth 100. I'm going to train properly for it, get a crew, learn to get the food and fluids problems worked out.
I don't want to just drag myself through the finish like my last two 100's. I want to nail this sucker.
Oh and this? This gives me butterflies in my stomach! Soooo exciting!
One last comment:
Back off Dr. Nic. Get your own man!
Shameless hussy!
@ RBR - Shameless hussy!
I'm sorry to see that the "p" on your keyboard isn't working. But feel free to call Dr. Nic a "hrick", anyway.
Want to NAIL this sucker???
I'll be right on your heels.
Sounds like Steve is going "Quick" next year in Sept. of 2011.
Get healthy Steve, we still have a race to be run.
But at our age are we EVER actually 100%?
Best of luck on your road to recovery.
Good luck on the Sawtooth 100 training! I've heard that course is a supreme challenge for several reasons. Hopefully there will be a bit less rain so the trails aren't so muddy/eroded/submerged in water!! :)
Yeah, I guess when Nature hates you so much you have to do rational things like wait to recover just in order to survive.
It must be some sort of Stockholm Syndrome (with Nature beign the torturer, of course) that has lead you to decide to do Superior Sawtooth. I must admit, though, it sounds tempting.
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