The weather's been unrelentingly awful and I've been trying to wait it out, though some forecasts say there's another week of high humidity to come (how many days is the wait period for a handgun?). I was feeling down about dropping from a measly 10K, but it seems I'm fighting off some minor virus problem and allergies as well. Time to find some laughs! Here's Jim Gaffigan, the comic whose routine is all Waffle House, cake, Cinnabon, and... bacon, glorious bacon.
General Burkhalter
6 days ago
I'm fighting off some minor virus problem and allergies as well.
Last time you had a "minor virus", it was the swine flu and you nearly died and then you went into a bit of a tailspin mental health-wise.
So I'm reading the above to mean "plague".
Or, more accurately, "The plague with allergies".
Thanks for posting the video, I laughed nonstop for 7 minutes! I have a 50k in 3 days, instead of visualizing running effortlessly up hills, I think I'm gonna make some bacon :)
Well, boo! You are sick. Fine, no beatings until you are better.
Unless you ask REALLY nice. ;)
Seriously, I hope you are feeling better. Try to not run a 100 miler or build a house or anything else stupid while you are sick, and let your immune system to do its job.
the comic whose routine is all Waffle House, cake, Cinnabon, and... bacon, glorious bacon. I think I am in love
*eyes narrowed*
Xenia gets hyperlinks and I don't? I see how it is.
*Stomps off to go beat G*
He does not really like and cries like a little girl, but there is some entertainment value. *shrugs*
I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for posting a Jim Gaffigan routine. He never fails to make me laugh.
Uh oh. RBR is mad. No beatings for you, SQ.
The big point, the buried lede here, is that I'm the one who ends up getting savagely and erotically beaten by someone who is nominally female! Let's not lose sight of that!
GQH ftw!
RBR, you tease, you fall in love that quickly with Gaffigan and his body built of Hot Pockets and you castigate me (that's castigate, not castrate, G.) for giving Xenia links? Not hyperlinks, mind you, those I gave to you - penicillin should clear that up.
RE: the picture - You are still running up about an 18% grade when everyone else has given up and is hiking behind you, so that still qualifies as bad ass and not embarrassing. I will, however, give you points for looking like you are stoned.
Which, come to think of it, makes you more bad ass. I barely had the wherewithal to remove the Twinkie wrapper before eating the Twinkie when I was stoned.
Nice try, though. You can keep trying :)
I saw the photo you linked to on RBR's blog. Yes, you do indeed look stoned. You also look a bit malnourished. I could snap you like a twig. You'd never survive one of RBR's beatings. Eat a hamburger, man! :P
@RBR: The guy with the full head of curly dark hair (and he's over 50 years old, damn him) behind me in that picture beat me by an hour in that race and there was only 10 miles to go. I was walking, not him.
@Xenia: As bad as that photo is, it's a rare one that doesn't suggest a potbelly. I'm a skinny dude. Always have been - it's genetic. You must've missed the post where I ate 23000 calories in one day - all deep fried meats.
beat me by an hour in that race and there was only 10 miles to go
The gal that won the 50k at Pacifica beat me by almost 30 minutes. Sadly, I was running the 30k.
Over 50, huh? Maybe I need to look at that picture again.... *smirk*
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