First, congratulate Psyche at "Run Like Ya Stole Sumthin'," as she just finished her first trail ultra and Beth at "Shut Up and Run," who just qualified for the Boston Marathon. If nothing else, let 'em know they have the best-named blogs out there (sorry, "Steve in a Speedo?! Gross!")
I took my bad leg to the doctor (GP) who went "Swelling, tenderness and bruising. You shouldn't be running. But you will, so I'll send you to the sports physician again."
Went to "sports doc alpha" and after an exam and a bunch of questions, he agreed that I may have sprained my ankle as I said, torn my soleus as I said and blew out my popliteus muscle as I said. He was more concerned with the "why" I had so many injuries in one place. The x-ray showed a fractured tibia, which was probably 6-8 weeks old and mostly healed. Everything else was just compensating for that injury. Umm, I broke my leg?
After not reacting quite as expected when hearing I had a broken leg, we went through my running log which I'd brought along and, in retrospect, you could see when it happened. "You've had a lot of fractures. [For those new to the blog, in the past two years: finger, hand, wrist, foot, ankle, jaw and two ribs. And teeth.] We should find out why. It could be anything from vitamin D deficiency to thyroid problems to bone cancer."
I went in with a sports injury and the "C word" is bandied about?!
That sent me back to GP, who ordered the blood tests and the vitamin D was low-normal and the thyroid hormone levels were borderline normal. "Might be parathyroid. You should see the endocrinologist."
That'll be doctor #3. (Doctor 1/2, who will remain anonymous, said "Jeez, Steve, I'm not your doctor. See your own doctor.")
Contrary opinion
The leg's actually doing better. I can't walk up steep hills yet (and there are just a few of those at Superior), but I have 3 days in which to recover. I'm still planning on running the 50K.
The Paint King
20 hours ago
[SteveQ diagnosed with every sickness known to man as well as a few that aren't] ... I'm still planning on running the 50K.
Sigh. Of course you are.
Hey, why not make it interesting by tethering your d*ck to a tree at the beginning of the race?
[... Pause while I wait for RBR to calm down from that image ...]
Then, after the race? Dump the tree because the relationship wasn't going anywhere.
[... Pause while I wait for RBR to stop shrieking with excitement after learning you'll be available again ...]
I've said it before and this is as good a place as any to say it again:
SteveQ? You are certifiable.
As for where joyRuN is? I think she tethered her d*ck to a tree and can't get free.
Dude you are as hardcore as they come.
I patiently await your acknowledgment that I now have the best-named blog out there.
It meets all your criteria.
I know you'd prefer the other "C" word to the cancer "C" word. You are the only person I know who can train through a fracture. Amazing. And thanks for the shout out!!! I will wear pigtails from now on in races just for you.
[SteveQ gets silent treatment from RBR and he knows why]
[RBR tells the universe, and NOT SteveQ because she is not talking to him, that running a 50k with a myriad of injuries, both new and old, is quite possibly a really, really bad idea.]
Sorry to hear about the fractures and other injuries. I finally broke down and went to see a podiatrist and found out that the pain in my foot is not a fracture but a dislocation and screwed up mechanics. So far, I've had a dislocated metatarsal and elbow, but no broken bones (not sure dislocation is superior though since it doesn't heal nearly as well). If you supplement with vitamin D, make sure you get some vitamin A too, because the two work together to enhance bone remodeling (breaking down and rebuilding stronger). These fat soluble vitamins are limited in the typical (low fat) diet runners eat, so supplementing might be a good idea.
Of course, taking some time off would be a good idea too...
Please take care!
okay - that "tasered or eaten" comment has officially just made my day.
love it.
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