At the start of the year, I had some lung issues, so I was unable to run much. Other things worth noting: "strides" are 45 strides (90 steps) in 30 seconds, about 100-120 meters, done once or twice per mile;" "sprints" are done up a very steep hill on a trail (when possible) and are roughly 8-10 seconds; "Mounds Hill" is 0.25 miles up, with 89 feet of climb (6.5% gradient), "Ramsey Hill" is 0.215 miles up with 117 feet of climb (9.5% gradient) and "Snake Hill" is 0.43 miles up with 174 feet of climb (8% gradient).
There's a LOT of niggling injury stuff here, which is expected when going from no running to heavy training at my age and with my injury history.
1 3.5 miles in 36:45 with 12x30 seconds (max pace 6:37) at Mounds Hill. Max heart rate = 171
2 6 miles in 60:19
9 1.06 miles in 10:42. Multiple issues.
10 1 in 10:40
14 2 in 21:26 with 4xMounds Hill. Wheezing, chest tightness.
16 5 in 59:03 Max HR=173. Breathing problems. Redness under nails of big toes.
17 8 in 87:58. Icy (Mounds Hill was un-runnable)
18 6 in 61:59 Breathing is improving.
19 8 in 89:31 with 15xMounds Hill. Long icy patch.
20 6 in 60:33 Some puddles, ice. Breathing improving at night.
21 11 in 118:28 w/ 21xMounds Hill. Some light rain. Minor pain in right heel.
22 14 in 2:29:42 (plus 4 miles hiked). Chafing trouble early. Right heel hurt from 12-16. Hands froze during hike. Fell apart at about 10 miles.
23 5.5 in 57:46 Tightness in right hip, soreness in left big toe.
24 8.5 in 87:02 with 16xMounds Hill.
25 5.5 in 57:38 Snow. Variable footing.
26 8.5 in 89:23 with 16xMounds Hill. Slight soreness from right hip to heel.
27 6 in 60:36. Slept poorly.
28 11 in 117:48 with 21xMounds Hill. Heel pain in right foot last mile. Tough at the end. Some stiffness in right hip. Some residual soreness in peroneal attachments afterward.
29 14 in 2:28:51 (plus 6 hiked). Gusty winds. very cold hands. Sciatic "warm spot" on left leg. Stiff in right hip. Soreness in right heel lingered all day.
30 4 in 42:22. Snow. Slept badly.
31 5.5 in 62:47 with 10xMounds Hill. Soreness in peroneals at start.
1 4 in 39:42. Didn't sleep well, some icy patches. Wind chill -4.
2 5.5 in 56:21 with 10xMounds Hill Horrible wind. Wind chill -6.
3 4 in 35:59 Slept poorly. Right ankle stiff at start. Wind chill -4.
4 8 in 79:44 with 15xMounds Hill.
5 10.5 run in 1:39:41 (plus 4.5 hiked). Sore right heel when walking, partly self-corrected. Hands froze. Residual soreness in heels all day.
6 6 in 56:40 with strides.
7 [Too icy to run outdoors]
8 [-15 windchill. Back ache.]
9 [-13 windchill. Could've run later in day.]
10 6 in 57:47 with strides.
11 11.5 in 120:38 with 22xMounds Hill Difficult toward end. Aches in both medial ankle malleoli. Soreness in hamstring attachments at left knee.
12 15 in 154:28 with last 0.5 miles hard (uphill and against wind). 40 mph wind gusts. Very icy.
13 6 in 61:44 with strides and sprints. Dead-legged.
14 5 in 56:14 with 12xRamsey Hill HRmax=171. Surprisingly grueling starting the 9th hill. Very sore piriformis (both) after [this took three days of deep massage to mitigate].
15 6 in 58:03. Icy patches.
16 7.6 in 92:05 with 18xRamsey Hill. Left achilles sore starting on #12.
17 6 in 53:52 with strides. Overdressed. Twinge in right hip at start. Lateral soreness in both ankles at start, left at the end.
18 10.61 in 114:30 with 25xRamsey Hill. HRmax=167. Bathroom break half-way through.
19 15 in 2:32:11 with last 1 in 9:00. Break at 6 miles to remove clothes. Left knee (medial) ached from 4.5-6 miles. Sore right heel last few miles. Sore hip adductor attachments at groin.
20 4 in 37:31 with strides, sprints. Soreness in left peroneals, tightness in hip adductors.
21 5.5 in 58:34 with 13xRamsey Hill. Dense fog. Sharp sciatic pain and leg weakness in uphill #10. Groin soreness when taking long strides downhill.
22 4 in 36:41 with strides and sprints.
23 5.02 in 54:25 with 12xRamsey Hill, last 3 hills at 9:40/mile (max=7:27).
24 4 in 38:07 with strides
25 7.5 in 78:15 with 17xRamsey Hill. Started a bit fast. 0 windchill at start, overdressed by end.
26 11 in 102:19, last 2 in 16:14 (plus 5 hiked). Frozen hands again. Sore right plantar fascia.
27 6 in 55:24 with strides, sprints.
28 7.75 in 83:27 with 9xSnake Hill (4 hard uphills - 3;58, 4:03, 4:07, 4:10) HRmax=165 Slept badly. Dead-legged. Several aches.
General Burkhalter
1 week ago
1 comment:
I am impressed. Great stuff.
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