A personal note (or four):
I've suffered from serious bouts of depression my entire life and I just realized that I've been okay for about a year now. I'm not sure I've ever gone that long before. Managed it without medication or therapy, too (not that I'm against those).
About a year ago, I had the swine flu and pneumonia and spent a very short time on a respirator or ventilator - I really don't know what the difference is and I'm too lazy to look it up. The fact that I'm having a little trouble with asthma right now seems like a treat in comparison!
I broke up with Jenny about a year ago and, after messing around a bit with my personal life, that aspect of things appears to be improving.
I haven't run an ultra in over a year.
General Burkhalter
1 week ago
All the best to you, Steve, and I wish you good health!
You were on a ventilator. The machine ventilates for you, which is artificial respiration. Regardless - that was hella serious if you were on a vent.
Happy anniversary - you seem to have done something right in the past year. I think it was not running ultras.
Happy Anniversary, of sorts.
A respirator is what the kids are wearing in the Sigur Ros video, Vaka. Being on a ventilator is one of my worst nightmares. I am so glad you recovered and that you have been healthier this year! A great cause for celebration :).
Ultras cause all of life's problems.
When Ian's team loses, if he complains about the ump's calls, I tell him, "Blaming the ump is the last - and first - refuge of the perennial luuuuzer."
He seems to get that. Now? It's your turn.
Seems walking Poo-holes was not the only option. Pitching to him and getting him out was a much more effective strategy.
If Dubya's team wins this world series, will you liberals admit, once and for all, that invading Iraq was the right thing to do? I mean, what more does he have to do to prove it?
it's amazing how people take breathing for granted. i know i do, with no asthma.
how did you become okay? what made you realize that things were going to be okay? or did you realize it after the fact, when you were okay and only recognized it? or perhaps the answer is another blog post.
next ultra will be when, then?
Sounds like cause for a celebration to me. Glad to hear it's been a good year for you.
@Katie: (short answer) There just comes a time when you stop waiting "for the other shoe to drop."
Next ultra? First, I get healthy, then I decide, but not until next year, probably a 50K in the spring (Superior?), 50 Mile in the summer (Voyageur), 100 Mile in fall (Sawtooth). Those are all in your backyard; care to crew for me???
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