I'm abandoning the race I scheduled for this weekend in favor of a long run out at Afton. I need to get in some miles - I have not run 30 miles at a time yet this year! I'll probably get started about 7 AM, get in the first loop before 10 and head out for another. And maybe start a third loop. I could use some company.
I still can't comment on other Blogger blogs.
I finally started my film blog, a list of everything I think is worth seeing, alphabetically. It's here. It should be a long slow project.
21 hours ago
We will be there too, but ... we were thinking of starting at 8:00am. Hmmm ...
Hiya stalker.
You were plainly able to comment on my blog. Perhaps your Blogger commenting ban has now ended?
Oh, and I've posted photos of kid-me before so my eye color shouldn't have been that much of a surprise. But that of course assumes you've read those posts. Guess not.
Really? Still can't comment?
What happens when you try?
Thirty miles? SURE, I'll be there! Really. If I'm late, just wait because I'll definitely be there because there's nothing I wanna do more than run thirty miles on a Saturday because that's not at ALL insane.
In fact, I'll be doing a 5-mile trail race Saturday and the prospect of that is bumming me out enough.
Trying again. I have no idea how I got a comment at Xenia's and nowhere else.
The problem's listed at Blogger's "Known Issues." I sign in and I can post, but commenting asks me to sign in again... and again...and again...
Starting out at 7am. I'll look for you when you pass me.
I have same problem with comments. Drives me nuts. I go anonymous now:)
Oops, and lookie me, I got in!
The plan now is for me to start at 6, going backward over the course until I meet up with others.
I had the same problems posting comments earlier this week. Stupid Blogger.
Have fun on your run Saturday!
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