Since the last time I posted on my reading list, I've read about two dozen books, probably none of which you'd ever consider reading - so no reviews. It got me thinking though: of the thousands of books I've read, what would I include on a lifetime "must read" list? It's a monumental task to come up with such a list, so I thought I'd try just the ones with unknown authors, which means ancient and mostly religious. Here's what I came up with (apologies to anyone who's offended by my not enjoying the Koran! I've tried four translations.):
Tale of Sinuhe (okay)
Epic of Gilgamesh (okay)
Beowulf (okay)
Icelandic Sagas: Njal's Saga (yes), Eirik the Red (okay), Eyrbyggja (okay), Vlsunga (okay); skip the rest
1001 Nights/Arabian Nights [Alf Layla wa Layla] (yes)
Cantar de Mio Cid (okay)
Le Chanson de Roland (okay)
Popul Vuh (no)
Niebelungenlied (okay)
Pancatantra (yes)
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (okay)
Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (no)
Romance of Reynard the Fox (no)
Romance of Tristan (no)
Kalevala (no)
Mabinogion (okay)
Togail Bruidne Da Derga [Destruction of da Derga's Hostel] (okay)
Seven Odes [al-Mu 'Allaqat] (no)
Ta Hsueh [The Great Learning] (no)
Chung Yung [The Mean] (okay)
The Water Margin [Shui Hu Chuan] (okay)
Manyoshu (okay)
Voynich Manuscript (yes, but it's unreadable!)
Old Testament, King James and New Revised Standard Versions (yes)
Christian Apocrypha, including Nag Hammadi scrolls (no, except Gospel of Thomas, just to see what crazy stuff's out there)
Cloud of Unknowing (okay)
Pirke Aboth (yes)
Bhagavad-Gita (yes)
Mahabharata (yes)
Ramayana (yes)
Rg Veda (no)
Upanishads (okay)
Dhammapada (yes)
Egyptian Book of the Dead (no)
Tibetan Book of the Dead (no)
Koran [al-Qu'ran, attrib. to the prophet Mohammed] (no)
Blue Cliff Record and Book of Serenity (okay)
Zend-Avesta (no)
Added later:
Philokalia (vol.1:yes; others no)
Little Flowers of St. Francis (yes)
So that's about 10 worth reading, based solely on readability and enjoyment.
Now... time for a run, since it's doubtful anyone's even reading that list.
General Burkhalter
1 week ago
Just noticed today's St. Urho's Day, so upgrade Kalevala to okay just for today. Celebrate the great Finnish saint's day by drunk dialing someone on a Nokia phone and complaining about the Russians.
Celebrate ... by drunk dialing someone on a Nokia phone and complaining about the Russians
I already have a day for that. I call it "Tuesday". (Don't worry - I already made my call.)
I haven't read most of these works you list, but ...
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (okay)
SteveQ! Just okay?!?
I did one of my masters theses on a poem by the guy who is alternately called "The 'Pearl' Poet" or "The 'Gawain' Poet", depending on which of those two poems you consider his greatest work. Irish Aginn'er that I be, I tried to get people to call him "Teh 'Cleanesse' Poet" because I wrote about that poem.
Needless to say, my campaign was a real non-starter, even among Mediaevalists, who, frankly, usually embrace any controversy that gives them the attention they secretly crave, but never get. Because everyone knows all the really HAWT chicks fall for the post-modernists, because chicks secretly dig being treated with an attitude of sardonic detachment that keeps them an arm's length away, at least. Man, who doesn't?!1!? Because HUBBA1!!
To be bluntly honest, even I didn't think "Cleanesse" deserved the honor of being the source of the poet's eponym. (As if that makes sense.)
But my real point:
Man, those f*cking Russians have some b@lls on 'em, huh? (Quick is a Finnish name, right? Can this be my next Tuesday's call? Because I'm kinda drunk right now.)
Also: Somehow I knew if anyone got the 3-fingered Frink pictorial joke, it would be you. But most of my money was on nobody's ever getting it.
Okay, there is no way I can compete with a Glaven Q. Heisenberg comment. But I just want to thank you for this book list. I have only read 6 (and only 2 of the yes's), but would really like to read some more of the yes's. Feel free to make book lists anytime. I will read them (well, at least the lists, maybe not all the books).
In other news (and you probably have already read it) but we were very saddened here to learn that Ping Ping He died. Seemed like a good guy who had a hard and very short life. Anyway.
Your reading lists always make me feel stupid. *aims remote to catch the newest Celebrity Fit Club episode*
I did however pre-order Harrison's Nephrology and Acid Base Disorders on Amazon. Do I at least get screaming nerd points?
I paired it with the new Janet Evanovich book for extra savings and to prove I have the reading comprehension of a seven year old.
@SLG: I can guess which you've read, but click on the Voynich link and you can add another to your read list, as it's untranslateable.
How did Ping Ping's death not make it into my news? I wanted to see him on "Dancing With the Stars!" I'd also like to see Amy Winehouse there, so I won't be doing any casting soon.
@GQH: I've read the Pearl, but not Cleanesse (unless I've forgotten). The real debate's always been Canterbury Tales vs. Troilus and Cresside and I end up voting for Chaucer's lesser known "Gaye boyen en bondagge."
@RBR: you wanna feel REALLY bad? I've read Harrison's Nephrology too! Not many laughs.
Needless to say, my campaign was a real non-starter, even among Mediaevalists, who, frankly, usually embrace any controversy that gives them the attention they secretly crave...
Christ. Hilarious. Miss you, G.
My word verification is "purisard." That seems like a real word and possibly a slam. hmpf
Dancing with the Stars featuring Amy Winehouse?! I may actually watch the cursed show then!
Hoo! Nice one. Haughty reference to obscure (in fairness, obscure to me) literary figures and a smack back pop culture princess all in one. LOVE IT!
Word verification: "podenes" I am certain that is a slam.
Now, I am just getting pissed.
I end up voting for Chaucer's lesser known "Gaye boyen en bondagge."
Depends on which Canterbury Tale.
Teh Miller's Tale is possibly one of the funniest stories ever told. It still cracks me up.
"And Absolon hath kist hir nether ye"
@$$-kissing never sounded so romantic!
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