I ran in the Metrodome last night and saw a lot of the usual faces, including a few trail runners. I found myself chasing down guys I've raced against for decades, struggling to keep up; I ran 9 miles at 8 min./mile, but I was exhausted. I've lost 3.5 pounds this week, which is a major reason; I stop eating when stressed and I've been stressed (and I know a dozen people will read this and think, "I eat when stressed. I wish I had your problem!") Eventually I had to back off and I got passed by a familiar face, a woman I dated 30 years ago.
Getting "chicked" is bad enough without the personal element. We ran together for a while and I have to say she doesn't look 50 (I dated older women when a teenager). We ended up talking about Fast Eddie Rousseau, of all things. She also mentioned her mileage for last year - 200 more than I did. Thanks for the kick in the ass, Vic.
I was driving past a strip mall when I remembered that I needed to buy a couple of odd things that I've never had to buy before, so I stopped at a drugstore. I went in and picked up a box of rubber bands (has anyone ever had to buy rubber bands?) and then tried to remember what the other thing was. I wandered aisles for a bit, trying to jog my memory and then just stopped in an aisle and stared blankly as I tried to recall what I needed. I was there a long time. Eventually, a woman who worked there startled me out of my daze by asking if she could help. It was then that I realized I was in front of the condoms. A joke came to mind. I said, "I was trying to decide whether I should buy normal-sized condoms, or whether I should buy the extra large ones and hold them on with these rubber bands."
General Burkhalter
1 week ago
I don't mind getting passed by a girl -- I hold on to the pace booty as long as I can! I love our sport for a lot of reasons, but that is at the top of my list.
Like you said on my blog, snow is like sex in terms of bragging (8" = very good). What happens when you're -9? Not a lot of bragging, I guess.
Oh, that is so funny. I had to laugh out loud. Please tell me you really said it to the kind lady! I would have loved to hear her reaction.
OK, seriously, did you say that? Hilarious. But I would expect nothing less from you, dater of older women.
I just about fell out of my chair laughing at your second anecdote. Oh, my, good stuff!
Good stuff is right! Great post. Did you ever remember what the other odd thing you need was ??
Haha I hope you said your joke out loud :)
One of my favorite bits from Porky's.
Billy: "Cherry, this is Pee Wee".
Cherry Forever: "I'll say. What do you use for a jockstrap, kid? A peanut shell and a rubber band"?
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