I just checked and found I'm up to 14 followers. Hey, didn't I shut this thing down?
Then I saw how many people looked at my profile. 2700. That's twice what it was the last time I looked and I was feeling pretty important. Then I saw that a certain smart-aleck librarian (least important site in the world, mind you) had 3200. Julie Berg's at 11,800.
Okay, back to training. I've got a race in 5 hours.
4 days ago
That new picture you just added to your title block is scaring them away.
The blogger profile pages used to track each hit on the page. I remember that because when I realized it kept track of how many foax looked at your profile, I would amuse myself by refreshing my own profile multiple times - "Oooo, look! 50 hits, only 47 of which are by me!"
Now the profile pages get updated only occasionally - like after every hundred or so hits, I guess.
I remember looking at Teh Marcy's profile (before she died, so to speak):
22,000 hits!
Pfffttt! You and I should live so long.
(Dr. Nic is at 2700, too. No wonder we never see you and him in the same room at the same time.)
If you want more followers, stop making foax have to type in a word verification to comment. I'm not sure what a "hampaper" is, but I DON'T LIKE IT!1!
How did your race go?
All of those hits are people checking out your new picture. I love that proverb- I have it as a favorite on my facebook profile and a smart a** friend was giving me crap about it. Of course, the guy is a dough boy who hasn't run a mile since childhood.
Wait. If you fall seven times, wouldn't you need to stand up only seven times? I mean, the idea here is to still be standing, right? So - correct me if I'm wrong - it goes:
Down - Up
Down - Up
Down - Up
Down - Up
Down - Up
Down - Up
Down - Up ...
Seven falls; seven stands ... and in the end you're back up on yer feet, right? So, I mean, not only is that eighth stand unnecessary ... it's impossible because yer already standing at that point.
Stupid Japanese Proverbinator! Is he the same one who came up with the since-disproven proverb "Measure once, cut twice"? Or was that Schlomo, Teh Incompetent Discount Mohel?
G, I'm impressed that you could spell "mohel"! Shkotzim usually can't (and pluralizing shegetz is tough...) Discount mohel at a berith - does he work for tips?
Disregarding the Japanese numerology (where 8 is better than 7), a lot of people struggle with this. Part of the point is that you stand up first, you stand up last - just stand up, dang it! [Dang It was a tendai monk near Hiei during the Shogunate]
Glaven's argument was the same made by my dumb a** friend. They must know each other. Hello- you have to stand up first before you can fall down! Geez!
There's also the more metaphorical idea, that after standing up after the seventh fall, one has stood up to adversity as well.
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