Blackberry picking:
Birthday present to myself
(Crabapples ripe, too.)
The birthday restaurant trek will be a St. Paul thing. Mickey's, Porky's, Chatterbox, 5-8 (didn't know there was a St. Paul 5-8!), Snuffy's, St. Clair Broiler. Six burgers should be enough. Then maybe dessert in White Bear at the Chef Shack.
I guess I should point out that I eat this way very rarely. Some have developed the idea I'm a big beer drinker (I was, once) from things I've said, but I've had 14 or 15 total this year. I mentioned downing 4 Red Bulls once and some got the idea that that was typical - I've had 7 in my life. I mention things because they're unusual. The same seems to be happening with my running; I'm not saying when I run 8 miles day after day, but I do mention the unusual runs.
Saturday, I'm planning on 6-7 hours of hill repeats at Hyland - gotta work off the burgers. All are welcome to join me.
1 day ago
yeah, but you only mentioned that you had already eaten human flesh because I asked!
That scares me because it implies cannibalism is the rule, not the exception, for you.
Plus ... I haven't heard a peep from Dr. Nic since you made that admission ... was he as stringy and bland as he looks?
how about eating a burger every hour of hill repeats. 6 hours, 6 burgers...
see you at leanhorse if not earlier.
I will be thinking of your hill repeats on Saturday when I hammer out 5 1/2 hours on a bike trainer. You will have more fun than me.
If you want, you can join me for hill repeats at the Birkyard Hill early Sunday morning.
The 5-8 is actually in Maplewood and not the same as the Minneapolis 5-8, so I'm down to 5 burgers.
Just had my first lunch today, so make it 4 left.
Happy birthday! I'm sorry you had to spend so much of it looking at Anton Krupicka's shorts.
Happy birthday Steve. Hope you had some great burgers today! :)
I was blackberry picking recently as well. Wow, were they ever nice and ripe last week!
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