"There's only one hard and fast rule in running: sometimes you have to run one hard and fast."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Infamous Book List - Just the A's

People keep asking me what I've read. This is my first attempt to alphabetize the past 20 years. The titles skew ancient and to a few nationalities due to accidents of language. I'd recommend most of these, though Acker will offend. I also feel compelled to point out that some entries, like "Aristotle - Works" are many volumes and thousands of pages.

Abbot, Edward - Flatland

Abe, Kobo - Woman In the Dunes

Abelard, Pierre - Letters, Calamitatum, Historia

Abish, Walter - Alphabetical Africa; How German Is It?

Achebe, Chinua - Things Fall Apart

Acker, Kathy - Blood and Guts in High School; Empire of the Senseless

Adair, Virginia Hamilton - Ants On the Melon

Adams, Alice - Second Chances

Adams, Douglas - Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Restaurant at the End of the Universe; So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

Adams, Henry - The Education of Henry Adams; Mont St. Michel and Chartres

Adams, Leonie - Selected Poems

Adams, Richard - Watership Down

Addams, Jane - Twenty Years at Hull House

Adigal, Ilango - Shiappadikaram

Aeschylus - Plays

Aesop - Fables

Agee, James - Permit Me Voyage; Let Us Now Praise famous Men

Aiken, Conrad - Poems

Akhmatova, Anna - Poems

Akinari, Ueda - Manyoshu; Ugetsu Monogatari

Aksakov, Sergey - Russian gentleman

Al-Ghazzali - Deliverer From Error

Al-Hariri - The Assemblies

Al-Mulk, Hasan ibn Ali Tussi, Nizam -Rules For Kings

Al-Mutanabbi - Poems

Alain-Fournier - Le Grande Meaulnes

Alberti, Rafael - Poems

Alcott, Louisa May - Little Women; Jo's Boys; Modern Mephistopheles; Modern Magic; Inheritance

Aleichem, Sholem - Collected Stories

Alexie, Sherman - Reservation Blues; Tonto and the Lone Ranger Fist Fight in Heaven

Alger, Horatio - Ragged Dick

Algren, Nelson - Man With the Golden Arm

Alighieri, Dante - Divine Comedy, La Vita Nuova; On Monarchy

Allende, Isabel - House of the Spirits

Allison, Dorothy - Bastard Out of Carolina

Amato, Jorge - Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands

Amichai, Yehuda - Selected Poems

Amis, Kingsley - Lucky Jim

Amis, Martin - Money; London Fields; Time's Arrow; The Information

Ammons, A.R. - Poems

Andersen, Hans Christian - Fairy Tales

Anderson, Sherwood - Winesburg, Ohio; Death in the Woods; The Egg and Other Stories

Andrade, Eugenio - Selected Poems

Andric, Ivo - Bridge on the Drina

Anouilh, Jean - Plays

Anselm, St. - Major Works

Appain - The Civil Wars

Applewhite, James - River Writing

Appolinaire, Guillaume - Selected Works

Appolonius - Conic Sections

Apuleius - Golden Ass

Aquinas, St. Thomas - Summa Theologica, Summa Contra Gentiles; Sermons; Letters

Archimedes - Works

Ariosto, Ludovico - Orlando Furioso

Aristophanes - Complete Plays

Aristotle - Works

Arnold, Matthew - Poems; The Study of Poetry

Arrendt, Hannah - Between Past and Future; Revolution

Arreola, Juan Jose - Confabulario

Arrian - Anabasis; Campaigns of Alexander

Artaud, Antonin - Selected Writings

Asch, Sholom - Nazarene

Ashbery, John - Complete Poetry

Asimov, Isaac - Foundation trilogy; I, Robot

Asturias, Miguel Angel - Men of Maize

Athanasius - Selected Works

Attar, Farid-al-Din - Conference of the Birds

Atwood, Margaret - Surfacing; The Handmaid's tale

Auden, W. H. - Poetry

Auel, Jean - Clan of the Cave Bear

Augustine of Hippo, St. - Confessions; City of God; On Christian Doctine; On the Teacher

Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations

Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice; Emma; Sense and Sesibility; Mansfield Park; Persuasion; Northanger Abbey; Sanditon; Catherine; Lesley Castle; History of England

Auster, Paul - New York Trilogy; In the Country of Last Things; Music of Chance; Leviathan

Averroes - On the Harmony of Religion and Philosophy

Ayala, Francisco - Usurpers

Azuela, Mariano - Underdogs


Adam said...

Holy shit, I didn't even have the attention span to read all the titles. Now where did I set that Sports Illustrated?

Beth said...

Well, I've only read Austen and H.C. Andersen... obviously I've been wasting a lot of time!

SteveQ said...

Some people train, some read. I guess I do both excessively. It seems to me that I'm missing titles; there's no mysteries or westerns or anything from the last decade.