I really apologize for the number of errors I've had to correct.
Here's the dates of the Fab 5 Fifties races for 2009:
April 18 Trail Mix 50K
April 25 Chippewa Moraine 50K
May 9 Ice Age Trail 50K and 50 mile
May 16 Superior Trail 50K
July 4 Afton Trail 50K
July 25 Voyageur Trail 50 mile
August 22 Lean Horse 50 mile (and 100 mile)
September 11 Superior Sawtooth 100 mile (50 mile split)
September 12 Superior Trail 50 mile
October 11 Glacial Trail 50 Mile
October 17 (tentative)Wild Duluth 50K
I haven't decided whether or not the Wild Duluth 100K will count.
Other ultras in the area of note:
April 10,11 Zumbro Bottoms 100 mile and 100K
June 6 F.A.N.S. 12 and 24 hour runs
June 6 Kettle Moraine 100 mile
November 7 Surf the Murph 50K
October 24 Door County 50 mile
February 2 Arrowhead 135 mile
February 7 John Dick Memorial Crusty 50K
August 29(?) Badgerland F/X 12 and 24 hour.
May 2 Cornbelt 24 hour
June 20 Kekekabic Invitational Trail Run. I just decided this last night. It will be limited to 8 entrants and the quality of the race will depend entirely upon the bribes I get from people wanting an invitation.
General Burkhalter
5 days ago
Love to run the Kekekabic.
I assume the limit of 8 is based on BWCA regulations?
Given the news of late regarding the trail I may need the assistance of a GPS course map. I can get lost despite Don's magnificent flag placement, which I'm sure would be absent.
I'm working on the bribe right now!
Whats the 100 behind the vouageur? Looked at website- no mention of adding a 100 mile. And Is there any info out about the Zumbro Bottoms race?
Also wondering if the date for Wild Duluth is confirmed?
Just noticed something else: if Wild Duluth and Glacial are the same date, how can anyone shoot the moon? Or is Glacial really Oct 25 (I think it's typically on a Sunday)?
I must not have gotten enough sleep! I've made the corrections to the schedule.
Kel, in the new rules for the series, a note will be added that one need do only Wild Duluth or Glacial to sweep the series.
Um, Kel, given that Glacial and Wild Duluth appear to be different weeks now, one WILL have to do both.
I wish Pierre well ;)
Pierre said last year that he wouldn't do all the races again and probably won't sign up for the series this year - too many other races, like Badwater and Arrowhead, on his plate.
per the Wild Duluth site - October 17th is official date.
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