2/18. 0 miles.
2/19. 15 in 100, indoors at the Dome. HRav=157, pk=169. After seeing Kurt blogging about 17 miles in two hours, I wondered if I had anything left in my tank. Rather easy run, except for the sore left hamstring from continuous turns on slippery cement (and the speed). Saw lots of familiar faces and one person who knew me, but who I'd say I'd never seen before.
2/20. 4 in 36.5 (Sub-zero temps.)
2/21. 11 in 95.5
2/22. 11 in 95
2/23. 20 in 170. HRav=132, pk=147. Eight times up my hill, just like last week, but a minute per mile faster. If I knew why I improved, I'd tell you. Sometimes it happens. A true sign of spring: I saw an oppossum coming out of the sewers; instead of running away or playing dead, he stood his ground (until I threatened to eat him). Turf wars already!
2/24. 20 in 168. HRav=132, pk=145. Same as day before, but with bad air quality and patches of ice on the path. Felt a little lightheaded after - probably dehydrated. Back-to-back decent runs.
Upcoming posts overview
Good racing comes from training, experience and talent. That's all. There's no magical secret, just hard work... yet people always are looking for a quick, easy way to run faster. Americans are obsessed with food and runners with supplements and goo. Thus, until the racing season starts in April, I'm going to talk about nutrition, particularly what people try that doesn't work. As I'm planning on 17 races between April and October, race results will take up all my time for months!
I never quite finished my PhD in biochemistry and never registered as a dietician, but if you want to hear about selenocysteine or beta-cryptoxanthins, this would be the place. I plan my next post to be about proteins and fats, then electrolytes (which could take a LONG time), then all the weird stuff people put in their bodies and why they don't work.
At FANS last year, I saw one (very good) runner with a tackle box full of pills, arranged by time of day and symptoms. I have a friend I saw swallow a handful of pills - at least 35 - before a 100 mile race. Most of the runners I know are on some strange diet. All but me down vast quantities of pseudo-foods, like gels and sports drinks.
My diet would be considered sparse, even Spartan, to many... and monotonous. Those who've seen me binge on a bag of chips (Doritos Blazin' Buffalo corn chips and Old Dutch Dill Pickle potato chips are great) or a half-gallon of ice cream would wonder how I can run at all. My diet, considered by several registered dieticians I know, is almost ideal - the "almost" being the binges. It would also be considered spicy by American standards.
I average 11-13 fruits and vegetables per day. My diet is "semi-veg;" I eat a serving of fish per week. If not running, 15% of my calories are from fat and 20% protein; the more I run, the more carbohydrates I eat, so at 80 miles per week it's more like 10% fat (less than 2% saturated) and 15% protein. I get more than 50 grams of fiber per day, which being twice what's often recommended, would cause most people to spend their lives in a restroom - and makes eating on the run a problem. Except the aforementoned binges (and I think the body craves what it needs), nothing I eat is processed.
Scott Jurek seems to have the right idea. His blog's famous enough I don't need to link it.
2025 started
2 weeks ago
I think there's nothing wrong with a moderately sized slice of pie or a cookie now and then. It all evens out if you're active and have a relatively balanced diet otherwise.
I am an S-cap convert. Whether it's placebo or not, I love them on long runs after my stomach starts hating food and gels.
You need to drink more Belgian Lambics.
I think there might be a call to brew a spring ale to kick off the race season.
How about DNF ale?
Do Nothing Fatal.
Yes, I stole that from Dean Karnazes
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