"There's only one hard and fast rule in running: sometimes you have to run one hard and fast."

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A slight increase in mileage

Recent training:

June 27: 5 miles in 44 minutes.

That night, I fell and broke a rib.

July 5: Walked 7 miles
July 9: 3 in 27
July 11: 12 in 123
July 12: 11 in 117
July 14: 11 in 109
July 15: 7 in 69
July 16: 12 in 117.

What do they say again about increasing mileage 1750% per week?


wildknits said...

Hmmmm.... that is quite the increase in mileage!

And here I was contemplating a 60% increase and wondering if that would too much.

Double said...

Fire in the hole!