It'll take a couple of days for the race report. I finished (around 10.5 hours) and will do the Superior 50K with the plan of starting in the back and just beating the time cut-off.
There are four superlatives in running that lead to tiredness: too far, too fast, too often, too long. If you just run too far or too fast, you're tired for a day or two. Go too far too fast and you're walking down steps backward for a while. Too far too fast too often, you're wrapping your body in ice and bandages and calling yourself an idiot. Too far too fast too often for too long and you hate running and everything associated with it. The first is a muscle soreness, the next deeper, like a bone-weariness; the third seems cellular, maybe molecular, as if your body is made up of tiredness. The last is a seemingly spiritual tiredness, a tiredness that transcends mind and body.
I'm tired from the last race. I'm working on avoiding the worst of the tirednesses.
Snow and update
2 days ago