"I'm a doctor, not an escalator!" If you recognize that quote, you probably, like me, spent way too much time in front of a TV as a child. My posts have been too much on track lately, so here's a detour.
My friend Joe and I were discussing shows we'd like to see again. So much is now available on DVD, that it's hard to think of anything that just doesn't exist any more. There's local TV (I was on "Breakfast with Casey" on my 6th birthday) and I miss a lot of shows like the Mel Jass Matinee Movie, but they don't translate to other regions; when I was in Indiana, the "Bozo the Clown" show had a waiting list of decades, for reasons I cannot fathom. There are also shows from Canada and Britain that I caught once or twice and would like to see again.
As far as network TV, I've always enjoyed sitcoms, even the bad ones - especially the bad ones - but they don't hold up over time. So, the shows I'd like to see again (and one probably is available):
The Green Hornet I wasn't a big fan at the time, but I'd like to see it again. Apparently legal problems, probably the Bruce Lee estate, have kept it on hold.
Alias Smith and Jones I was surprised that Joe remembered this show at least as well as I did. It wasn't great, but I think it might hold up well.
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir I was the wrong demographic for the show (and still am), but a show with Hope Lange and Charles Nelson Reilly - what's not to like? I've seen the movie a few times and it still holds up.
The Banana Splits The Krofft brothers, who came up with H.R. PufnStuf, Sigmund and the Sea Monster and the Hudson Brothers Comedy Hour, were at least 15 years ahead of the times with the techniques used in this kid's show. It might look dated now, but I'd like to see, even if Bingo gives me the creeps.
So, what shows do you miss?
Snow and update
5 days ago
2:50 to qualify?
Next thing you'll be telling me is that you used to walk uphill both ways to school...
I always loved "Green Acres" though I don't know why. Didn't get any TV reception until I was 8 so I kinda missed out on the early years.
I always liked any of the old Western series - The Cisco Kid was a good one... But my favorite was Fury, Starring Peter Graves - It was like Lassie with a horse. (and Pete, who cut his teeth on a branding iron....)
Andrew, Green Acres was a favorite in my family (you can make any of us break up by saying,"That would can't breathe. You need a pore key!" a la Mr. Haney), but it just isn't funny to me any more.
Classic Leonard McCoy quote, and I'm REALLY looking forward to the new movie!
I thought Charles Nelson Reilly was only on Match Game... could never figure out what why he was famous. Now, H.R. PufnStuf- I used to love that show.
I grew up on the Canadian border, so I remember Mr. Dress Up and the Friendly Giant. Oh! And Milky the Clown who did magic tricks (the magic words were "Twin Pines").
Kel, Did you ever see the show Mike Myers did as a child? It was about as rough-cut as they get.
I remember all of those shows, pretty much grew up with then. Alias Smith and Jones was one of my favorites and I would love to find the old episodes.
There are countless others that I would love to go back and see like It's about Time, Time Tunnel, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, UFO, The Invaders, Star Trek, Lost in Space, Twilight Zone and whole bunch more. Some of them made it to syndication, some I may have to go and look for. Thanks for the flashback in time.
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