"There's only one hard and fast rule in running: sometimes you have to run one hard and fast."

Saturday, April 4, 2009

2009 Ron Daws 25K Race Report

Yes, I ran a hard race 6 days before a 100 miler. Yes, I know that's stupid.

I knew Ron Daws a little. We both belonged to the "train harder than anyone else" philosophy, though his body broke down only at 130 miles per week and mine at 40. I remember racing against him once, an indoor mile, when I was 22 and he about 45; I won. You don't forget beating a former Olympian. I'm sure I was on the losing end at least once, but you don't remember those.

At the race, there were a number of (overlong) tributes to Ron. Steve Hoag (2:11 marathon at Boston) and Lorraine Moller (ex-wife of Ron and about 2:28 marathon; I think she still has the fastest marathon in Minnesota by a female Minnesota resident and had the New Zealand record until Allison Roe came along) reminded everyone how Ron just pushed everything - and everyone - to the limit. Gee, that sounds familiar...

The course got changed due to road construction and I wasn't going to bother trying to figure out the changes; just follow the guys ahead of me. The plan was to go out comfortably, and when the pace seemed tough, slack off, because there's a 100 Miler in 6 days. I hit the first mile in 6:45... and then sped up. I was just under 20 minutes at the 3 mile mark.

Then things got messed up, as the guys I was following made a wrong turn. It wasn't immediately obvious because there were markings and pylons showing we were on the course; we just skipped a loop. When I figured this out, I turned around and sheepishly said hi to everyone coming toward me for a while. I had decided to wear my Garmin (the course had always been marked in kilometers and I wanted to know miles; this year it was in miles), so when I got back to the wrong turn and there was a mile marker there, I could tell I added 1.74 miles. This was a blessing in disguise, as there was no temptation to race any more.

I was passing people the rest of the way, starting from second-to-last and moving past 40-50 runners by the end. I'd slowed to 7:15 miles, then slowed again at 10 miles to 7:45 and cruised in the last couple at 8:00.

Garmin total: 17.22 miles in 2:08:36 (Co-incidentally, that's exactly Derek Clayton's world marathon record time from 1968. It lasted 15 years. 1968 was when Daws ran the Olympic marathon.) Heart rate average = 165! (max=181)

Before and after the race, I got to talk to a bunch of people, from Bruce Mortenson and Jerry Heaps, who I raced against when I first started running, to people I'd never met, including one who told me his son Mike's a big fan of this blog. [Hi, Mike! Good to have at least one fan!] There should be at least two other descriptions of this race from my blogroll soon.

Now, maybe I should rest before Zumbro.


LDP said...

Which Garmin do you have? Did you upload to garmin connect so we can all dee the wrong turns? Either way, congrats on finishing... and now I do not feel the wrong turn at night was all my fault, you followed... I plan on being at Zumbro, as a spectator and pace.

nwgdc said...

The plan was to go out comfortably, and when the pace seemed tough, slack off...

Best line I've seen in a lonng time.

Wayne said...

No new injuries... priceless!! :)
See you at the Zumbro 100.

Kel said...

Susan Donnelly is prepping for Zumbro by running another 100 miler the weekend before. Now THIS is what I call a loaded race schedule:


Mitch R. said...

That race, which used to be called "The Inclement 25K," used to be my favorite race of the year. The second time up "Pukes Peak" was always a treat.

I used to train on that course for all of my hard 100 km campaigns 20 years ago.